
Botanic Deodorant

Botanic Deodorant

Natural deodorant. Plant-based, free of harsh chemical additives and Paraben free. Aluminium free.

Natural deodorant helps keep bacteria from mixing with salt and water on the skin while allowing your body to eliminate toxins the way it should. Sweat doesn't cause body odour, but when it's combined with bacteria on your skin it can leave you smelling, well a little stinky 😃

One of the benefits of natural deodorant the natural ingredients make it less likely that you'll have skin issues, and the lack of pore-blocking chemical ingredients mean good bacteria can work in a natural safe way without clogging your pores.

When it comes to choice, it really is about a matter of preference, natural or otherwise. Natural deodarant does not prevent you from sweating unlike commercialised antiperspirants which prevents sweating.  Natural deodorant can keep you from smelling stinky plus without all the chemicals infused.

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